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Organic goats milk. Honey from East Side Remedios hives. Coastal sweet grass. Texana Olive Oil. Polk's Folly lard & castor oil.
6 - 7 oz bar.
Muhlenbergia filipes is a native grass that grows along the southeastern coastline from South Carolina to Texas. Referred to as sweetgrass ( not to be confused with Hierochloe odorata, the sacred sweetgrass used by indigenous people for smudging & medicine), this grass has been used for basket making by the Seminole & Gullah of the Low Country as well as throughout the South in Hoodoo rituals.
We adore the scent...the smell of our childhoods spent fishing & crabbing the Gulf Coast. Gathered along the Texas coast, we distilled this sweetgrass with yarrow & prairie clover from Northern New Mexico. Then added honey from our hives and organic goatmilk. The result is a skin nourishing soap with an earthy sweet scent accented by hints of vanilla.